Mario Jorizzo

Responsabile Supporto Strategico Dipartimento Sostenibilità dei Sistemi Produttivi e Territoriali ENEA

October 19th 2023 | 15:45 – 18:15| THE MALL

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I’m in charge of the Unit for Strategic and Technological Support at ENEA (the Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development) Department of Sustainability. Currently the unit is also involved in projects related to policy evaluation, nature based solution and circular economy. I also supervise the evaluation team for “green industrial project” in support of state aid financing.

I’m a member of the “Cabina di Regia” UNI on Ecological Transition and I take part as national expert in the Working Party on Finance and Investment for Environmental Goals at OECD. Before joining ENEA I extensively worked on regulated industries such as banking and ITC in Europe, Latin America, Africa and the Middle East.

I hold a PhD in Economics, international cooperation and finance.