Ciardi Nunzia

Nunzia Ciardi

Director General of the National Cybersecurity Agency

20th October 2023 | 10:00 – 11:00 | THE MALL

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Director General of the National Cybersecurity Agency

Nunzia Ciardi has been Deputy Director General of the National Cybersecurity Agency since 16 September 2021.

She was the first woman to lead the Italian Postal and Communication Police Service, two thousand experts engaged in the fight against cyberterrorism, financial cybercrime, online child pornography, the protection of critical national IT infrastructures, hacking and computer crimes in general.

Always connected, for work and pleasure, fascinated by the infinite potential of the web, which she defends with determination from those who want to make it a dangerous place. She is a member of the Scientific Committee of the Permanent Observatory on Security and of the Scientific Committee of the Permanent Observatory on EURISPES educational policies.

She is a member of the Council of “Women4Cyber”, an initiative launched by the European Cyber ​​Security Organization (ECSO), aimed at implementing the involvement of women in the cyber security sector. She has taught at several police schools, at the Center for Advanced Studies for Defense, and is a speaker at various universities and bodies.

Ambassador of Telefono Rosa which fights violence against women. Winner of the “Inspiring Fifty 2021 Italy” award, awarded by personalities from the entrepreneurial, business and academic sectors to women who act as “role models” in the world of technology.

Winner of the Golden Apple Prize during the 35th edition of the Marisa Bellisario Award in recognition of women who make a difference with an exemplary managerial professional path in the world of institutions: “A role model as a woman of the institutions working every day for our safety with great intuition and dedication.”